Tuesday, June 14, 2011

counter strike source wallpaper

images quot;Counter-Strike Sourcequot;. counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike Source: Extreme
  • Counter-Strike Source: Extreme

  • saibaba
    12-07 06:53 PM
    where can I find these codes related to my present(per GC) and other jobs i'm looking around to fit in my original job designation and responsibilties?

    Like the intiator in this thread came up with some job/occupation codes which starts with 15 - XXXX ..he talked abt getting it from the approved Labor

    I have access to my approved Labor and I-140...but where can I find these codes in those documents?

    wallpaper Counter-Strike Source: Extreme counter strike source wallpaper. Counter strike source
  • Counter strike source

  • aj1234567
    07-17 06:36 PM
    This is great news!!We proved once again that if we are united we can win always!!

    counter strike source wallpaper. 2010-2011 Counter Strike
  • 2010-2011 Counter Strike

  • sobers
    02-16 04:11 PM
    This story below just goes to show that if smart scientists and engineers are not available here (because of low skilled immigation and the decepit STEM education), then jobs will continue to be outsourced to where the job can be done. Not only does the U.S. lose brainpower, it loses significant tax revenue which would otherwise have been available if the jobs were located in the U.S. And then, not only do skilled immigrants bring their skills to work for America, they also help build the local economy (home/auto, other capital investments, etc besides local/state/county taxes...).



    Published: February 16, 2006
    The globalization of work tends to start from the bottom up. The first jobs to be moved abroad are typically simple assembly tasks, followed by manufacturing, and later, skilled work like computer programming. At the end of this progression is the work done by scientists and engineers in research and development laboratories.

    Skip to next paragraph
    Report From Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation A new study that will be presented today to the National Academies, the nation's leading advisory groups on science and technology, suggests that more and more research work at corporations will be sent to fast-growing economies with strong education systems, like China and India.

    In a survey of more than 200 multinational corporations on their research center decisions, 38 percent said they planned to "change substantially" the worldwide distribution of their research and development work over the next three years � with the booming markets of China and India, and their world-class scientists, attracting the greatest increase in projects.

    Whether placing research centers in their home countries or overseas, the study said, companies often use similar criteria. The quality of scientists and engineers and their proximity to research centers are crucial.

    The study contended that lower labor costs in emerging markets are not the major reason for hiring researchers overseas, though they are a consideration. Tax incentives do not matter much, it said.

    Instead, the report found that multinational corporations were global shoppers for talent. The companies want to nurture close links with leading universities in emerging markets to work with professors and to hire promising graduates.

    "The story comes through loud and clear in the data," said Marie Thursby, an author of the study and a professor at Georgia Tech's college of management. "You have to have an environment that fosters the development of a high-quality work force and productive collaboration between corporations and universities if America wants to maintain a competitive advantage in research and development."

    The multinationals, representing 15 industries, were from the United States and Western Europe. The authors said there was no statistically significant difference between the American and European companies.

    Dow Chemical is one company that plans to invest heavily in new research and development centers in China and India. It is building a research center in Shanghai, which will employ 600 technical workers when it is completed next year. Dow is also finishing plans for a large installation in India, said William F. Banholzer, Dow's chief technology officer.

    Today, the company employs 5,700 scientists worldwide, about 4,000 of them in the United States and Canada, and most of the rest in Europe. But the moves overseas will alter that. "There will be a major shift for us," Mr. Banholzer said.

    The swift economic growth in China and India, he said, is part of the appeal because products and processes often have to be tailored for local conditions. The rising skill of the scientists abroad is another reason. "There are so many smart people over there," Mr. Banholzer said. "There is no monopoly on brains, and none on education either."

    Such views were echoed by other senior technology executives, whose companies are increasing their research employment abroad. "We go with the flow, to find the best minds we can anywhere in the world," said Nicholas M. Donofrio, executive vice president for technology and innovation at I.B.M., which first set up research labs in India and China in the 1990's. The company is announcing today that it is opening a software and services lab in Bangalore, India.

    At Hewlett-Packard, which opened an Indian lab in 2002 and is starting one in China, Richard H. Lampman, senior vice president for research, points to the spread of innovation around the world. "If your company is going to be a global leader, you have to understand what's going on in the rest of the world," he said.

    The globalization of research investment, industry executives and academics argued, need not harm the United States. In research, as in economics, they said, growth abroad does not mean stagnation at home � and typically the benefits outweigh the costs.

    Still, more companies in the survey said they planned to decrease research and development employment in the United States and Europe than planned to increase employment.

    In numerical terms, scientists and engineers in research labs represent a relatively small part of the national work force. Like the debate about offshore outsourcing in general, the trend, which may point to a loss of competitiveness, is more significant than the quantity of jobs involved.

    The American executives who are planning to send work abroad express concern about what they regard as an incipient erosion of scientific prowess in this country, pointing to the lagging math and science proficiency of American high school students and the reluctance of some college graduates to pursue careers in science and engineering.

    "For a company, the reality is that we have a lot of options," Mr. Banholzer of Dow Chemical said. "But my personal worry is that an educated, innovative science and engineering work force is vital to the economy. If that slips, it is going to hurt the United States in the long run."

    Some university administrators see the same trend. "This is part of an incredible tectonic shift that is occurring," said A. Richard Newton, dean of the college of engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, "and we've got to think about this more profoundly than we have in the past. Berkeley and other leading American universities, he said, are now competing in a global market for talent. His strategy is to become an aggressive acquirer. He is trying to get Tsinghua University in Beijing and some leading technical universities in India to set up satellite schools linked to Berkeley. The university has 90 acres in Richmond, Calif., that he thinks would be an ideal site.

    "I want to get them here, make Berkeley the intellectual hub of the planet, and they won't leave," said Mr. Newton, who emigrated from Australia 25 years ago.

    The corporate research survey was financed by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which supports studies on innovation. It was designed and written by Ms. Thursby, who is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, and her husband, Jerry Thursby, who is chairman of the economics department at Emory University in Atlanta.

    2011 Counter strike source counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike: Source
  • Counter-Strike: Source

  • Googler
    02-20 07:28 PM
    As per this post http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17450
    EB-1 ROW is under-subscribed, I wonder if this is a sign that top talent is getting harder to recruit from overseas.

    If that is the case, we can all think of a few reasons why that might be.

    I don't have the stats right in front of me, but it is my impression that except for a few odd years (FY06 comes to mind), EB-1 did not max out its numbers. Using EB-1 for L-1 executives is a relatively new idea.


    counter strike source wallpaper. Trailer: Counter Strike Source
  • Trailer: Counter Strike Source

  • philler
    11-01 06:45 AM
    Without trying to sound too harsh, I think my dog could knock up something more worth going freelance about. :D

    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike: Source v34
  • Counter-Strike: Source v34

  • Raj_2009
    08-19 10:39 AM

    I belong to Virginia. But Virginia office does not have the dates available for next 2 months. Can I visit to the neighbouring Maryland state USCIS local office for Information. Is it legal and valid to go to Other local office for information?



    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike Source Ultimate
  • Counter-Strike Source Ultimate

  • puzon23
    02-12 02:05 PM
    Thanks for the advice. The problem is that my employer is really small and it will cost him money to do it all and if it doesn't work out he will have to eat up the cost. Here in New York it will be very expensive to advertise for the job and the chance of getting qualified replies are really high and of course this economy makes it even worse. Maybe I'm just a pesimist but I seriously have doubts it will work out.

    2010 2010-2011 Counter Strike counter strike source wallpaper. quot;Counter-Strike Sourcequot;.
  • quot;Counter-Strike Sourcequot;.

  • belmontboy
    09-21 07:09 PM
    Hi, I am from India and applied for GC under EB2.my priority date is 01-21-2-2007.I filed concurrently I-140 and I-485 in july 2007. got my EAD and using it.EAD is valid for one more year.I-485 is still pending. my wife have filed a case against me in India.The indian court issued non bailable arrest warrent against me. I am not going to India to attend the court proceedings.Now the proceedings and non bailable arrest warrent against me is pending in indian court since 2 years. my indian passport has impounded by ministry of external affairs, India. The interpol in india has sent extradition papers to Interpol, washington D.C. there is no red corner notice issued against me. my questions are:

    1. if My wife informs USCIS that the court proceedings and non bailable warrents are pending against me in Indian court, and my passport was also impounded by gove of india, does the USCIS reject my green card?

    2) as my record is with interpol, washington D.c , when FBI name checks happens, does FBI find my name in interpol data base and inform USCIS about it?

    3) As I applied green card based on my Indian passport, when my passport is under inpounded status , does USCIS consider my passport status to issue gC?.

    Kindly advise me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Are there any cash rewards for catching you? :D


    counter strike source wallpaper. Counter Strike: Source map
  • Counter Strike: Source map

  • jonty_11
    02-05 04:25 PM
    Sounds like another case of Consultancy Exploitation of Skiller Worker (CESW).
    If they are not showing the intent to deny letter, they may be want to prevent you from quitting the company and going elsewhere now that u have ur 3 yr H1B with you.....be mindful of that.

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  • Counter+strike+wallpapers

  • abracadabra
    07-06 11:19 AM
    $300 million loss on July 2nd


    counter strike source wallpaper. Included counter-jan , really
  • Included counter-jan , really

  • GoneSouth
    08-11 09:12 AM
    She needs her own I-797 showing transfer of the H-4, doesn't she? Whenever I changed companies, all my dependents got I-797s as well, and we had to present these at border to get new I-94s.

    hot Trailer: Counter Strike Source counter strike source wallpaper. counter strike source
  • counter strike source

  • pamith
    05-13 08:42 PM
    3-4 months may be, but you can apply for AP and EAD.


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  • chi_shark
    06-17 12:52 PM
    Hi Chi_Shark,

    I didnt get your analysis on "so i could possibly face a 7 day gap in work authorization". I am also eagerly waiting for my EAD but I was curious what makes you think about a gap of 7 days. Is it 'coz you complete 60 days of filing on Aug 17th and urs expires on 10th. But why 60 days, I thought it has to be 90 days before a request can be made for interim EAD. Please correct me if I am wrong.


    you are right! i obviously got the application date wrong. I applied on may 17th - not on june 17th as i previously wrote.

    tattoo Counter-Strike: Source v34 counter strike source wallpaper. CounterStrike: Source
  • CounterStrike: Source

  • guitarzen
    09-13 10:13 AM
    still waiting for a reviews!


    pictures Counter-Strike Source Ultimate counter strike source wallpaper. and Counter-strike: Source
  • and Counter-strike: Source

  • ragz4u
    02-03 11:13 AM
    If they do implement a new F4 visa, they will allow you to transfer to F4 status I believe. And then current PhDs would be getting the benefit of the new law. Its unlikely that biological science are not a part of physical sciences. What they mean when they say "Physical" sciences is that other sciences like Tom Cruise's scientology and stuff like astrology/palmistry and other fake science is not included as a field in which one could do PhD and obtain GC.

    Watch what you say! We might have Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch cursing ImmigrationVoice for a post like this ;-)

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  • counter strike mac screenshot

  • rbharol
    02-16 12:08 PM
    I know 485 cannot be filed without PD being current. Can one do consular processing without being dependent on PDS:p


    I asked the same question to my lawyer.


    makeup Counter Strike: Source map counter strike source wallpaper. Counter-Strike Source 5800XM
  • Counter-Strike Source 5800XM

  • vxb2004
    07-27 10:20 AM
    I am in the same position too. A couple of days back I talked to my lawyer and she told me its ok and that she has never heard of anyone's case being rejected or getting a RFE jus because they dint write their name in the native language.
    One of friend's lawyer also said its not a big deal and if u r from India the USCIS wont bother abt it(dunno how true this is!)


    I sent out my application to USCIS last week and while talking to a friend I realized that I had not filled the Item

    "If your native alphabet is in other than Roman letters, write your name in your native alphabet below:"

    I neither filled it with my native alphabet nor filled it with a "N/A" Even my lawyer has not detected this.

    Is this going to be an issue? What will the USCIS do about it? Since I still have time does it make sense to send a revised form? Is some one out there who have done this?

    Please let me know


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  • 459 counter strike source

  • roseball
    10-26 04:42 AM
    Shouldnt be any problem..But I suggest to file for withdrawal asap if your wife is not planning to leave the country immediately...Because, she is legally out of status if she has not started working since Oct 1st (Though one can argue on this as she has a AOS pending too)...If she leaves the country immediately, she doesnt even have to file a withdrawal...She can leave the country and either enter on AP and use EAD to work or get a H4 Visa stamped, enter on H4 and use EAD to work....Either way, I dont see any issues here....

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  • CS Source Wallpaper. by

  • coopheal
    11-27 05:13 PM
    Where did you read extra cash is being pumped into other gov projects.
    I read on USCIS website they were hiring 1500 new employees.

    to be fair to USCIS they did try to get out of the fiasco on july 1 by moving the dates back again Eventually they were forced to accept it again..

    They clearly knew this was cash cow so why did they want to cancel it in the first place..

    Its a lot of money and its definitely a lot of work as well..There are also no signs of hiring new stafff..most of extra cash they getting is being pumped into other gov projects so the staff is still being overworked and I am sure will be complaning

    jaggu bhai
    04-04 02:09 PM
    when they say school starts from december 2011, f1 approval will be given around that date (i.e, 1 month before commencement of course), so even if u apply now, it will only help you to get prpared (in case if they ask for additional documents etc - most unlikely in ur case).
    so gud luck

    09-21 11:33 AM
    One more question:

    When we create a application can we add any member with in the same group. My friend and myself are planning to visit India during the same time. We both are in 8th year extension and work for different companies. Both of us have to get VISA stamped. Can we create in the same application(ofcourse we need to create new application for each one after you create for one person) so that when we want to change dates like prepone or postpone it will be easy for us to modify the appointment date in one click. As dates keep changing every day/hour it will be easy for any one of us to monitor the available dates and change. We can change the dates only once and if we want do it again we need to cancel the appt and create a new one.
    I dont think you can do that.

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